Bus service is provided for District 47 by the Transportation Joint Agreement (TJA) for students who reside more than 1.5 miles from school. Bus route information is posted in ParentVue in mid-August for the upcoming school year.
About TJA
TJA has been owned and operated by Districts 47 and 155 since 1974 and is overseen by an advisory board comprised of school officials from both districts. The department services four high schools, three middle schools, nine elementary schools and two parochial schools. It also services various early childhood centers and provides transportation to 23 out-of-district special needs locations. The TJA has 125 school buses, 161 employees and transports approximately 10,000 students per day over 1.8 million miles per year! The organization recognizes its responsibility to the community to provide safe, efficient, reliable and timely bus service for the transportation of all students while abiding by all laws, rules, procedures and ethical practices.
Transportation Procedures (English) Transportation Procedures (Spanish)
Electronic Recordings on School Buses
Electronic visual and audio recordings may be used on school buses to monitor conduct and to promote and maintain a safe environment for students and employees when transportation is provided for school-related activities.
Transportation Joint Agreement (TJA)
1204 S. McHenry Ave.
Crystal Lake, IL 60014
Fax: 815.459.9115
For safety concerns or to comment on a school bus driver, please call the "To Comment on My Driving Line" at 877.406.3030.
Tracy Hodgson
David Inglis
Assistant Director of Transportation
Office Hours
School year: 5:00am-5:00pm, Monday through Friday
Summer: 5:00am - 3:00pm