Family Technology & Resources
Internet Safety Guide for Parents
The internet and associated applications (educational, social media, and more) are filled with opportunities for learning, communicating, and sharing information. It is a valuable resource for children and adults alike. Like any community, the internet presents some risks that parents need to be aware of when providing access to their children, such as:
- Pornographic and sexually explicit material
- Hate messages and online bullying
- Violent and destructive materials
- Anonymous members of the internet community
- Fraudulent activities, scams, and hidden sales
Before getting into technical solutions, it is important to understand there are a number of non-technical and practical solutions to managing the online behavior of your student at home, such as:
- Keep the computer and/or phone visible in the home. For example, the computer or phone can only be used, charged, and stored in the public areas of the home.
- Set a time to collect phones for charging during the night and ensure that your student has adequate sleep.
- Establish times to be “un-plugged” as a family. For example:
- Family dinnertime
- During homework time
- Before and after school
- Be physically visible when your child is utilizing technology and have ongoing / open conversations with your children about what they see online.
- Remind your child that cell phone use is a privilege and not a right.
- Monitor social media accounts. See additional information below:
- Know the social media accounts of your children. Most social media services require users to be at least 13 years of age to access and use their services. This includes Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, and Skype.
- Randomly check your child’s phone, gradually increasing trust and responsibility over time
- Explain to your child that caution should be used on social media and that bad behavior and inappropriate content should be immediately reported to a trusted adult.
- Remind child(ren) that there is no such thing as anonymity on the internet and that questionable behavior may result in negative backlash in social media groups and elsewhere.
- Discuss with your child that school threats made and/or shared on social media are taken seriously and will be forwarded to the school principal, district superintendent and the local police department. The school district and police department work together to thoroughly investigate each incident.
- Emphasize that sharing inappropriate content or threats on social media can have real-life consequences, including suspension and/or expulsion and may result in criminal charges. District 47 follows standard discipline procedures as outlined in the District 47 Student Handbook.
- Explain that sharing rumors via social media can significantly disrupt the school day and cause unnecessary fear and panic. In light of this, District 47 asks that parents and students not share unfounded claims or false rumors about D47 schools on social media.
- Students are often aware of social media situations before adults, so please remind your child that it is important that they report concerns to a trusted adult. If you or your child has questions or concerns about school safety, please contact your school immediately. Mental health concerns about self or others may also be reported to Safe2Help, available in Clever.
Project B3
In District 47, students in 3rd-8th grades are encouraged to Be Safe, Be Smart, and Be Kind online through a program called Project B3. We encourage families to discuss this program with their student and to consider how these basic principles can be extended to the home. For more information about the B3 program, see the links below.