Having a sense of personal safety is a foundational need for both adults and students in order for effective teaching and learning to take place. The district understands that personal safety includes both school safety and a person's physical and social-emotional well-being. While it is not possible to guarantee that dangerous situations will never occur in and/or around our schools, District 47 takes a multi-tiered approach to school safety and emergency preparedness. We work proactively with students, staff, and local law enforcement agencies to continuously improve the safety and security of our school buildings. Additionally, we ask our parents to partner with us and their child(ren)'s school and report concerns if they arise.
The district works in collaboration with local police and fire departments to review and update crisis procedures and emergency operations plans annually. Each school has a safety team and a threat assessment team, made up of clinicians and administrators. All staff (including substitutes) are required to watch a safety video annually and a school safety procedures flip chart is kept in every classroom.
While this section serves as a one-stop-shop where families can find answers to broad safety and security questions, it should be noted that the complete scope of District 47's planning and preparedness can't be described publicly in order to maintain the security of our comprehensive safety protocols.
- Building Safety: Volunteer & Visitor Procedures
- Crisis Reporting & Supports
- Drills
- I Love U Guys Standard Response Protocol
- Mass Notification System
- Parent Safety Tips
- Traffic Pattern and Parking Lot Safety
Building Safety: Volunteer & Visitor Procedures
Crisis Reporting & Supports
I Love U Guys Standard Response Protocol
Mass Notification System
Parent Safety Tips
Traffic Pattern and Parking Lot Safety
Dave Schuh
Gary Snep