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Staff Directory

< 1 2 3 4 13 > showing 101 - 200 of 1269 constituents

Cindy Bender

TJA Para

Cydni Berna


Alexandra Bernard

Teacher, Social Science, 8th Grade
Lundahl Middle School

Jennifer Bezik

Teacher, Language Arts, 6th Grade
Bernotas Middle School

Natalie Biddle

Psych/SSW, School Counselor
South Elementary School

Cheryl Bigney

Lunch/Playground, Lunch/Playground Supervisor
Canterbury Elementary School

Jordyn Bigos

Teacher, Classroom, 3rd Grade
Glacier Ridge Elementary

Sandra Bigos

Facilitator, Instructional Coach
Lundahl Middle School

Nora Binz

Paraprofessional, Building Para
Bernotas Middle School

Patricia Bischoff

Lunch/Playground, Lunch/Playground Supervisor
Husmann Elementary School

Elizabeth Bishop

Lunch/Playground, Lunch/Playground Supervisor
Glacier Ridge Elementary

Lorraine Black

Paraprofessional, Building Para
Coventry Elementary School

Erin Blake

Teacher, SPED - LBS1 Resource, 6th Grade
Hannah Beardsley M S

Celia Blanco

Teacher, Dual Language Social Science, 6th Grade
Hannah Beardsley M S

Laura Block

Facilitator, Instructional Coach
South Elementary School

Theresa Bloom

Teacher, Classroom, Kindergarten
Coventry Elementary School

Kathleen Blount

Psych/SSW, Social Worker
Canterbury Elementary School

Melanie Boberg

Teacher, Classroom, 3rd Grade
Woods Creek Elementary School

Nicole Boey

Lunch/Playground, Lunch/Playground Supervisor
Husmann Elementary School

Robert Bohanek

Director of Human Resources
CORE Center

Christine Bohnsack

Facilitator, SPED - IEP Procedural Coach
Indian Prairie Elementary School

Jeffrey Boldog

Support, Infrastructure/Server Supervisor
CORE Center

Peggy Boldwyn

Teacher, Language Arts, 7th Grade
Bernotas Middle School

Nicole Bolos

Teacher, Dual Language Classroom, 3rd Grade
North Elementary School

Afton Boltz

Lunch/Playground, Lunch/Playground Supervisor
North Elementary School

Abby Bolz

Teacher, Dual Language Classroom, 5th Grade
North Elementary School

Sarah Bong

Teacher, Adjusted Learning
Glacier Ridge Elementary

Leslie Bonick

Support, Administrative Assistant
Husmann Elementary School

Paul Bonti


Chrystal Bonzi

Paraprofessional, ASPIRE Special Ed. Para (IDEA)
South Elementary School

Nicole Borkowicz

Teacher, Science, 7th Grade
Hannah Beardsley M S

Courtney Bostedt

Woods Creek Elementary School

Christy Bott

Teacher, Classroom, 2nd Grade
West Elementary School

April Bouchard

Teacher, Science, 7th Grade
Bernotas Middle School

Clare Bourne

Support, Executive Admin Assistant
CORE Center

Ann Bowman

Teacher, Early Childhood Classroom PFA
Glacier Ridge PRE-K

Jean Bowman

Teacher, EC Language Arts, 8th Grade
Bernotas Middle School

Donas Bradford

Teacher, SPED - LBS1 Resource, 6th Grade
Bernotas Middle School

Kevin Brady

Teacher, Music
West Elementary School

Hope Brainard

Occupational Therapist, Occupational Therapist
CORE Center

Presley Brandt

Teacher, Music
South Elementary School

Dana Bredeson

Facilitator, Instructional Coach
Lundahl Middle School

Lauren Brendel

Teacher, Science, 6th Grade
Hannah Beardsley M S

Richard Bressett

Teacher, Social Science, 7th Grade
Lundahl Middle School

Troy Bretzman

Support, Administrative Assistant
Hannah Beardsley M S

Michelle Breutzmann

Teacher, Classroom, Kindergarten
North Elementary School

Lori Bright

Physical Therapist, Physical Therapist
Canterbury Elementary School, Glacier Ridge Elementary, Coventry Elementary School, Glacier Ridge PRE-K, Lundahl Middle School, North Elementary School, Hannah Beardsley M S

Mallory Broccolino

Psych/SSW, Social Worker
Lundahl Middle School

Amy Brock

Occupational Therapist, Occupational Therapist
Glacier Ridge PRE-K

Kelly Broederdorf

Support, Human Resources Generalist
CORE Center

Jason Brogan

Assistant Principal
Woods Creek Elementary School

Jenna Brogan

Teacher, Library Information Specialist
Bernotas Middle School

Riley Bronson


Toby Bronson

TJA Support, TJA Mechanic

Jaime Brooks

Paraprofessional, AL Special Education
Glacier Ridge Elementary

Cheryl Broscoe

Glacier Ridge Elementary

Abby Brosio

Teacher, Science, 7th Grade
Hannah Beardsley M S

Rachel Brouder

Teacher, Classroom, 5th Grade
Glacier Ridge Elementary

Justin Brown

Teacher, Physical Education
Hannah Beardsley M S

Melissa Brown

Coventry Elementary School

Samantha Brown

Teacher, Dual Language Classroom, 3rd Grade
Canterbury Elementary School

Wendy Browne

Teacher, Reading Interventionist
Woods Creek Elementary School

Stephanie Brual

Teacher, Reading Interventionist
Husmann Elementary School

Timothy Brunner


Emily Bruno

Teacher, Social Science, 6th Grade
Lundahl Middle School

Nicole Bruno

Psychologist, Psychologist
Canterbury Elementary School

Sean Bryan

Teacher, Physical Education
Lundahl Middle School

Christina Bucek

Teacher, Art
South Elementary School

Kelly Bucheger

Teacher, Classroom, 1st Grade
Woods Creek Elementary School

Matthew Buchert

Support, Groundskeeper
OPS Center

Ian Buckingham

Teacher, SPED - LBS1 Resource
North Elementary School

Meghan Budds

Teacher, Classroom, 1st Grade
Husmann Elementary School

Emily Buellesbach

Emily Buellesbach

Support, Communications Specialist
CORE Center

Jackie Buhs

Bilingual SLP, Bilingual SLP
North Elementary School

Maura Bunge

Paraprofessional, Building Para
South Elementary School

Lena Burke

Teacher, Music
Husmann Elementary School

Ruth Burlini

Teacher, Foreign Language - Spanish
Lundahl Middle School

Stephanie Burnette

Lunch/Playground, Lunch/Playground Supervisor
Indian Prairie Elementary School

Laura Burns

Teacher, Science, 6th Grade
Bernotas Middle School

Miles Burrows

Teacher, Classroom, 5th Grade
Indian Prairie Elementary School

Alan Burton

Teacher, Elementary Interventionist
Glacier Ridge Elementary

Taylor Busby

Lunch/Playground, Lunch/Playground Supervisor
Indian Prairie Elementary School

Jason Busse

Psych/SSW, School Counselor
Bernotas Middle School

Jodie Busse

Teacher, Classroom, 3rd Grade
Indian Prairie Elementary School

Cheryl Bux


Ruben Cabanilles Lozano

Teacher, Dual Language Classroom, 4th Grade
North Elementary School

Eugenia Calderon


Katie Campion

Support, CIA Specialist PD/Child Find
CORE Center

Jennifer Campisi

Teacher, Social Science, 8th Grade
Bernotas Middle School

Julie Campos

Facilitator, Title I Instructional Coach
Canterbury Elementary School

Sara Campos

Teacher, Math, 8th Grade
Hannah Beardsley M S

Kristina Cannon

Teacher, Classroom, 3rd Grade
Husmann Elementary School

Pablo Carbajal Galindo

Support, Floater Custodian
OPS Center

Kimberly Carl

Psych/SSW, Psychologist
Bernotas Middle School

Douglas Carlino

Paraprofessional, Special Education Para (IDEA)
Bernotas Middle School

Elliott Carlino

OPS Center

Patricia Carter

Teacher, Reading Interventionist
West Elementary School

Angela Carvell

Assistant Principal
Lundahl Middle School

Covadonga Casado Fernandez

Teacher, Dual Language Classroom, 5th Grade
Coventry Elementary School