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Middle School Boundary Decision

Middle School Boundary Decision

At the December 16, 2024, Board of Education meeting, the Board voted 6-0 to approve Option 1 of the boundary changes recommended by the boundary committee. 

By the end of the week, all families will receive an email communication indicating whether or not their address is impacted, and an updated boundary map will be available on our website, allowing you to enter your address and verify your assigned school. 

The new middle school boundary assignments will take effect in the 2025-2026 school year. Students entering 8th grade in the 2025-2026 school year may request to remain at their current school. Please note that transportation will be the responsibility of the family. A request form will be included in the upcoming email to those families who are impacted by the boundary change approved tonight. Transportation routes will be shared in August, as usual, ahead of the start of the school year. 

Thank you to everyone who provided input through the community survey, website form, board meetings, or email. Every message was carefully considered in this decision. While these decisions are never easy, they are necessary to balance enrollment, make effective use of resources, and keep students with their peers for as long as possible.

For families impacted by the change, middle schools will provide opportunities to connect, meet staff, and build a sense of belonging. We are committed to ensuring every student feels supported and welcomed in their new school community.

As a reminder, the boundary committee will begin reviewing elementary boundaries on January 14, 2025. We do not anticipate any changes to the elementary boundaries until at least the 2026-2027 school year. There will be opportunities for you to share feedback with the committee on potential changes as they study the complexities of our elementary boundaries, which will help the committee develop scenarios to present to the Board. As we have done with the middle school changes, we will communicate the scenarios to our stakeholders prior to any Board discussion giving people time to give feedback to the Board prior to any final action.